Keeping you safe during Covid-19

How am I keeping you safe?

During the Covid-19 pandemic I am taking extra precautions to keep you, your families and communities safe.

I take twice weekly Lateral Flow Tests and will self-isolate if advised by the NHS Track and Trace service or if myself or my family experience any Covid symptoms.

I have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Meetings, where possible, will be held in large, ventilated rooms where social distancing can be maintained. Otherwise, they will be held remotely or by telephone.

During sessions with your child, where social distancing cannot be maintained, I will wear a face mask and/or visor and gloves. Surfaces and equipment will be carefully sanitised between sessions and hands will be washed or sanitised frequently.

Each child has their own equipment, including their own sand, stored in a sealed box, which is not used by anyone else. Larger equipment (such as the sand tray or paint bottles) are sanitised between each child.

I have very high standards to ensure I do my best to keep us all safe and well. However, if you have any concerns at all, please speak to me.